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Current branch: * vp_flagging_merge
Date: Thu Jul 8 17:15:49 2021 +0100
Description: Changed config to use gethostname()

Using your Data

Thank you for taking the time to consider registering with HealthWise Wales.

The pages within this "FAQ" section contain detailed information on all aspects of the project. You do not need to know all of this information before you register, but we hope that you will find an answer to any questions that you have here.

On this page, we answer some more detailed questions about what will happen to your information.

Click on the question to show the answer.

How will I know what you are doing with my information?

We will regularly let you know how your information is being used using a newsletter (which will be on the website and can be emailed to you if you'd like), updates in newspapers, radio and TV in Wales, and presentations at open meetings, roadshows and events (such as festivals). The study will also have a Facebook page and a Twitter feed which you can follow if you want to.

We will also publish information from the study regularly in reports and papers in academic journals.

We will never use your name in any of these reports, and the results will be shown using graphs and numbers.

How often will you contact me once I have signed up?

Every 6 months or so, by email. The message will tell you that there are new questions for you to answer, or invitations for you to consider.

Will people outside of the research team (such as my doctor or insurance companies) know if I'm taking part in the project?

We will not share any of your personal information such as your name, address or anything you tell us in the questionnaires with your doctor or insurance companies. So, taking part will not have any negative effects on you (including your ability to work or get insurance).

None of the information you give us will be used to make any decisions about your health or healthcare. If you are worried about anything to do with your health, you should speak to your doctor.

Register now »

Due to COVID-19, our telephone lines are currently closed. For all enquiries, please email

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