Consent information for HealthWise Wales.
Taking part in HealthWise Wales is voluntary. If you join and then change your mind, you can
leave the study at any time.
We will keep the information that you share with us. It will be held securely by Cardiff
University and the NHS Wales Informatics Service. Names and personal details will be stored in a
different place to all other study information.
The study has been approved by the Wales Research Ethics Committee 3 (Wales REC3).
Please read the information below before agreeing to take part in the study.
If you would like further details, you can find these in the 'About the Study' section.
By taking part, you are agreeing to:
- Provide us with your contact details (e.g. name, address, email address, phone number) and
some personal details (e.g. sex, date of birth, ethnic group).
- Answer some questions about your lifestyle and health.
- Allow us to use your details to access and use the information in your routinely collected
NHS records.
- Be contacted every 6 months or so by the study team, to give us information about your
lifestyle, health and wellbeing.
- Be contacted to take part in events where we ask you about the topics we should be
- Be contacted by the study team about other studies that you may want to take part in.
- Be contacted with news and updates about HealthWise Wales in our newsletter.
- Allow us to share anonymous information with other researchers if they have scientific and
ethical approval for the questions that they would like to answer with the information, and
have the right training.
By agreeing to take part, you also declare that:
You have read and understood the information on this website.
You are currently living in Wales, or using health services in Wales.
You are aged 16+.
If you do not understand any of the above information, you can contact us to discuss:
By phone on 0800 9 172 172 (free from most landlines) or 02920 768 090. Our office hours are
9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.
By email on
If you don't want to take part, you don't have to do anything. Thank you for reading this far.