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Current branch: * vp_flagging_merge
Date: Thu Jul 8 17:15:49 2021 +0100
Description: Changed config to use gethostname()
Register Now

Register Now

By registering and providing us with your information, like thousands of other people living in Wales, you can help shape the NHS in Wales and protect the health of generations to come.

If you join and then change your mind, you can leave the study at any time.
HealthWise Wales is a study for people currently living in, or accessing healthcare in Wales, who are aged 16 or over.

Please review our consent information before registering Review consent information

Login details

Please enter your email address
Password must be a mix of upper and lower case characters and contain at least one number

Your details

Please enter your first name
Please enter your surname
Please enter a DOB (dd/mm/yyyy): you must be over 16, and under 120 to register
† We can only include people who are sixteen or above in this study.

What is your gender?

What is your gender?
Please select the appropriate gender option

Your address

Please enter the first line of your address
Please specify the town/city of your address
Please enter your postcode

How did you hear about the study

How did you hear about HealthWise Wales? (Please tick all that apply)

(Please tick all that apply)

Consent Information

You must tick that you consent to complete registration
To ensure that you are able to register successfully please tick the box below to pass our security check.

Due to COVID-19, our telephone lines are currently closed. For all enquiries, please email

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