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Current branch: * vp_flagging_merge
Date: Thu Jul 8 17:15:49 2021 +0100
Description: Changed config to use gethostname()

Why should I help Healthwise Wales?

Why should I help Healthwise Wales?

Every six months, we ask our participants to complete a series of questions about their daily lives and health. Sometimes, people ask 'why should I bother?' or 'why should I give my time and information to Healthwise Wales?'

The reason is simple. You are part of one of the biggest pieces of health research in Wales and the answers you provide us with will help the NHS to plan better healthcare for Wales in the future.

Your answers will provide you, your children and your grandchildren with improved health services, shaped to the specific needs of our nation, making Wales a healthier place to live.

We aren't here to judge. We aren't going to tell you what you should or shouldn't be doing. We just want your honest answers twice a year. It's confidential, safe and secure and your information will not end up anywhere it shouldn't.

#WeareHealthwiseWales - join us today.

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