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Date: Thu Jul 8 17:15:49 2021 +0100
Description: Changed config to use gethostname()

Peer support for young adults living in a family affected by a neurological condition

Peer support for young adults living in a family affected by a neurological condition

Can you help? Would you like to take part in a research study?

This study wants to ask young adults who have experienced Stroke, MS or Dementia within their family what they think about the support they have received (if any!).

There is evidence that young adults living in families affected by a neurological illness are often left 'to their own devices' and receive very little support. We hope that this study will generate data that can press councils and the third sector to acknowledge the needs and set up services that match what these young adults want.

We would like to hear from you. Please contact:

Patricia Masterson Algar
School of Healthcare Sciences, Bangor University
Phone: 01248 383129

Register now »

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