How sensitive are your senses?

The School of Psychology at Cardiff University are investigating health and the senses through an online survey.
Dizziness is common in the general population and can have serious consequences for daily functioning and health. The research team are interested in a particular type of dizziness that is triggered by being in certain environments. These tend to be environments where there is a lot of clutter, for example, a supermarket or a crowded street. They are interested in how common this dizziness is in the general population and how it might relate to other conditions (e.g. migraines). In the future, they hope this research will help them to develop more effective rehabilitation tools for dizziness.
The online survey will include questions and pictures about sensory sensitivity, dizziness and migraines, and is open to everyone. They would like to hear from a range of people, whether or not you suffer from dizziness and migraines.
The survey will include questions and pictures about sensory sensitivity, dizziness and migraines. This survey is for everyone! We need to hear from a range of people, whether or not you suffer from dizziness and migraines.
You can take the survey on a computer, phone or tablet but it's best to use the largest screen you have.
If you want to take part in this study click here. It should take about 20 minutes and you can take breaks.
To request a Welsh language version of this survey, or ask a question, please contact Georgie Powell at: