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HealthWise Wales Research Priorities Workshop

HealthWise Wales Research Priorities Workshop HealthWise Wales held a research workshop at the Park Plaza Cardiff on 25th May with researchers in Wales to develop research priorities for the HealthWise Wales project. The workshop was opened by the scientific lead Professor Shantini Paranjothy (Cardiff University) who gave an overview of the progress to date, update on recruitment and future plans. This was followed by a thought provoking lecture from Professor John Frank (Edinburgh University) highlighting health inequalities with specific reference to how large cohort studies such as HealthWise Wales have the potential to address these issues.

Participants then separated into groups that were a mix of scientists, researchers, clinicians and importantly members of the public. Each group had a facilitator and a specific topic to consider. These ranged from parenting and long term conditions to mental health and health system improvement. Participants discussed the importance of collecting data that answers specific questions relevant to policy and practice. There were many detailed and insightful ideas, research priorities and questions proposed by the groups. Future workshops will take place to further develop some of the ideas that were discussed.

'Room full of ideas @HealthWiseWales population cohort for #publichealth. Goal to achieve 10% coverage of #Welsh pop. Huge potential'. Dr Alisha Davies, Head of R&D, Public Health Wales

'Challenging & inspiring talk from John Frank @HealthWiseWales workshop yesterday. Thanks to the organisers!' Merideth Gattis, Professor School of Psychology, Cardiff University

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