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Current branch: * vp_flagging_merge
Date: Thu Jul 8 17:15:49 2021 +0100
Description: Changed config to use gethostname()

Data Saves Lives Campaign

Data Saves Lives Campaign

European Parliament proposed changes to the original European Commission text put this delicate balance at risk. If these changes are included in the new law, it will make it much harder for researchers to use individuals' health data in research and will put our progress towards understanding disease and developing new treatments at risk.

The Data Saves Lives campaign gathers together patient groups, academic and research organisations and calls on the EU institutions to work together to ensure that the final text of the Data Protection Regulation means people's data will be kept safe and secure while allowing vital research to continue to take place in Europe.

Please show the institutions that you support researchers' secure use of personal data in health research by signing their petition at

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